#031 A Malefactor

Today’s story is 1543 words. http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/031.html Travis Review: Denis Grigoryev is a peasant who is woefully impoverished and in horrible health, but that’s not his biggest problem. His problem is that he is not very bright. He cannot understand why he is being brought up on charges of sabotage (or ” Article 1081 of the Penal Code”). He …

#030 The Huntsman

Find today’s 1854 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/030.html Travis Review: A chance encounter in the woods reveals an intimate history between Yegor,a huntsman, and Pelagea, a peasant woman. This story can be seen either as a story about a selfish man refusing to grow up and the repercussions it has on another, or as a tale about a …

#029 Gone Astray

You can find this 1590 word story at http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/029.html  Travis Review: In today’s story two drunken lawyers come out of the woods in the middle of the night heading for their summer cottages. The first lawyer’s wife doesn’t seem to want to open the door for him, so he heaves himself through an unlocked window only …

#028 The Fish

Today’s fish story comes in at 2047 words.  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/028.html  Travis Review: Men will forever be boys. There is work to be done, but when there is a brother in need and that need involves capturing a fish… well other obligations can wait. So two carpenters are shrugging off their work and doing what I’ve recently …

#027 Malingerers

Today’s story is 1379 words:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/027.html Travis Review: The last sentence could have easily been the title of this short, “The deceitfulness of man.” A wealthy general’s widow runs a clinic for the poor. While her liberal heart beats true for the impoverished locals in need, she is also a victim of their flattery. Her giving soul …

#026 A Country Cottage

Very short one today…only 661 words:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/026.html Travis Review: The story begins with a husband and wife on an evening stroll walking by a train station. It seems they are alone, but they are not. The third character is the moon, which “peeped up from the drifting cloudlets and frowned, as it seemed, envying their …

#025 Nerves

We’ve hit 25 stories so far. This one is 1598 words. http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/025.html  Travis Review: What is interesting about this story is that the main character, Vaxin, has freaked himself out by obsessing about spirits of the dead after an evening where “Vaxin himself had asked for a saucer and shown the young ladies how to converse …

#024 Boots

Today’s story is 1611 words. http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/024.html Travis Review: Today we have the first instance of Chekhov’s gun, and in a play too! Alcohol again causes calamity in a hotel. This time, Murkin, a piano tuner, finds that his boots are missing. Calling on the attendant who had “had a drop,” they discover the boots are in …

#023 In a Hotel

Today’s story is only 1008 words:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/023.html Travis Review: This is a satirical story about affected societal airs and how people can turn on a dime when it serves their interest. In this case, a colonel’s wife’s longwinded outrage, bolstered by the hotel-keeper’s stories of unseemly and shocking behavior, doesn’t matter once the marital status …

#022 A Small Fry

Today’s story comes in at 1358 words.  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/022.html Travis Review: Small Fry is not a great story. A lowly civil servant has to work on Easter eve while the rest of the town is out celebrating and feels awful about it. An alternate title could be “Fear and Self-Loathing in a Government Office.” It’s not …